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Precautions for the measurement of high speed door openings

    However, online purchasing requires more basic information, such as the size of the high-speed door, installation environment, door opening method, optional devices, etc., all of which need to be considered. Today, an example of high speed door opening measurement is given to illustrate the required data.

    All measurements were performed indoors. The measurement of each value must be made at at least three points:

         H——The height of the doorway (the distance from the ground to the top of the doorway);

         B——the width of the door opening (the distance from the left to the right of the door opening);

          h—— above the door opening (distance from the top of the door opening to the ceiling) at least 500 mm;

          b1/ b2 —— at least 150 mm left and right lateral distance (distance from the 2 sides of the door opening to the obstacle);

          When measuring H and B, take the maximum value of each as the final dimension

           When measuring h, b1, b2 and L, take the smallest value of each as the final dimension.

