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What kind of fast shutter doors can be used in GMP clean workshop?

    Applicability of fast rolling door: any kind of door in workshop, passage, warehouse, conveyor belt, etc. Door opening speed: The door opening speed is 0.6-1.5 meters per second, and more than 600-800 high-frequency opening and closing doors can be completed without failure in one day.

    Because the fast rolling door has thermal insulation, dustproof, noise reduction, odor isolation, energy saving, high-speed switch, and automatic opening and closing; so the fast rolling door meets the requirements of GMP and clean environment from millions to 10,000, suitable for different factory rooms. Similar industries: medical, food, electronics, chemicals, cigarettes, printing, textiles, supermarkets, precision machinery, logistics and storage, etc., while the regional use of cleaning industrial plants is more common.

    1. The safety protection method of GMP fast rolling shutter door:

    A.  Safety photoelectric: the bottom of the door is about 20-30 cm from the ground. The device is an infrared safety device. When the door is closed, someone or a car passes through the safety photoelectric, the fast rolling door will automatically stop moving downward and move upward actively, which has a good safety effect.

    B.  Airbag at the bottom of the door: If the person or vehicle cannot escape in time, the airbag at the bottom of the door will cause the airbag circuit to work due to the pressure transmitted by the person or vehicle to the airbag, and the door will be lifted automatically to achieve good safety, The safety effect is better.
