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Methods to extend the service life of high speed door

High speed door is a common industrial door, and its service life is closely related to its use and maintenance. Below I will introduce some methods of maintaining high-speed doors to help extend their service life.

1. Clean regularly. High speed door are often placed in industrial environments and are easily affected by dust and dirt. You can use a damp cloth or a special door cleaner for cleaning. Be careful to avoid using cleaners containing corrosive substances.

2. Lubricate the door rails. The door rails are an important part of the fast door and need to be maintained in a good lubrication state. Apply lubricating oil or grease to the door track regularly to make the door move more smoothly.

3. Check the motor and control system. The motor and control system of the fast door also need to be checked regularly. Check whether the motor is running normally and whether there are any abnormalities such as abnormal noise.

4. Regular maintenance. In order to ensure the long-term and stable operation of the fast door, regular professional maintenance is required to detect and solve potential problems in a timely manner.

high speed door

In general, maintenance of high speed door mainly includes regular cleaning, inspection of door seals, lubrication of door rails, inspection of motors and control systems, regular maintenance, attention to usage, prevention of foreign matter entry, regular inspection of safety equipment, and anti-static treatment. Only scientific and reasonable maintenance can extend the service life of the high speed door and ensure its normal operation and safety performance.
